6 Great Resources for Engaging Blog Images

Engaging Blog Images

Studies have shown that a blog post is much more likely to get attention when images are incorporated. And images within social media posts are more likely to be shared.

Since engagement is the very essences of success with a blog, adding related images to your post is necessary.

So, where are the best https://experience.tripster.ru/experience/Moscow/8943-almaznyj-fond/ places to get engaging images for your blog posts? Here is a list of six of our favorite places, but first let’s explore some of the basic licenses that you may run across.

  • Public Domain is images in which the copyrights have expired or the creator released them to the public. This leaves them free to use by the public any way they see fit.
  • Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that allows sharing of creative works by using free legal methods. Some common licenses are Attribution, Attribution-NoDerivs, Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. A detailed explanation of theses license forms can be found here.
  • Royalty Free (not actually free but they are listed anyway) images doesn’t necessarily mean that the image can be used free of cost. It means that after you purchase the image you can use it as many times as you need to.

We have only included the sites that have a way to search the images. Sifting through images that are not categorized or easily searched is a pain in the a**.

  • Flickr has literally billions of images on its servers. Flickr allows you to share, store and search the images. Some of these have been listed under the Creative Commons Attribution license. You can use these images on your blog if you give the creator credit. We always give a link back to the creators Flickr page.
  • FreeFoto is a free photo archive that contains over 132,549 images with 183 sections organized into 3,640 categories that are easily navigated. Attributions and links back to the creators are required to be able to use the images.
  • Wikimedia Commons is owned by the WikiMedia Foundation and currently has over twenty million media files in their database. The quality seems to range from amateur to high resolution so choose wisely.
  • Stock.xchng is owned by Getty Images and contains over 400,000 media files. Some of the images are unusable but there are a few (if you look hard enough) that are suitable for web use.

Royalty-Free Image Sites

  • ShutterStock is a royalty-free image database offering over thirty million media files. These are paid images but can be used as many times as you need. You can buy per image or a package deal.
  • GettyImages claims to be the largest stock image site on the web. They now offer embedded images for your blog. Just copy and paste the code from Getty Images and post it in your blog post and boom, you have a legal and free method of adding images to your site.


Make sure you read the terms of these sites before you use the images especially if you are going to use them in a commercial setting. The terms often change and I am NOT a lawyer!

So you should no longer struggle to find quality images for your next blog post. This is our current favorite list and may change as new ones pop up.

There are a lot more sites out there that provide free and royalty free images but the quality goes down significantly. If there are any worthy sites that I have forgotten, let us know in the form below!

Flickr Creative Commons image by pointnshoot.

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