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Well, the wind is howling, the ground is frozen and all I can think about is a warm breeze and a piña colada. Where could I go that would accommodate my addiction to WordPress and my desire to be all warm and fuzzy? How about Hawaii? Get your bathing suit ready because Hawaii is hosting […]
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Have you ever wanted to add footer widgets to WordPress? In this “how to” post I will guide you through setting up a three column footer widget area. Warning, there will be some code but don’t let it scare you, it really isn’t difficult. Just follow along with each step and copy and paste code […]
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Sometimes I feel like I am preaching to choir and everyone already knows that a website is a necessity, but I’ve been wrong. Many small businesses still do not see the potential advantages that a website can offer. To that end, some business that have had a website for some time, have found out how […]
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Facebook is considering adding a “dislike” button to their user experience. This is an addition that has been requested for many years and at least they are talking about it. I never understood the like button, especial for certain sad posts. When someone posts that their grandma got run over by a reindeer, that is […]
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The question is often asked, especially in internet marketing forums, how do I create a custom landing page in WordPress? Most answers revolve around buying a plugin or a service such as LeadPages. But, if you are using WordPress, there is no reason to invest your hard-earned money in yet another plugin or service. Simply […]
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I will admit, it was a long time into blogging before I even considered trying to measure the investments and impact of my content. My first problem was that I didn’t see my blog as a business and didn’t see a blog as an online marketing strategy. My first question, could you measure the return […]
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