Convert to WordPressThe vast community of WordPress has thousands of free themes available to use and tweak. The problem is that most do not meet your specific needs so you just settle.

WordPress is the most popular platform for bloggers, content providers and business. That is why WordPress is Digital Layne’s recommended content management system (CMS). WordPress is easy to use yet scalable to fit the needs of any small to medium sized business and we have the knowledge, skills and creativity to transform your site into a visually stimulating and marketable extension of your business.

Why WordPress?

  • WordPress is user friendly and highly intuitive
  • Plugin installation, upgrades and publishing are a click away.
  • Social media integration is a breeze.
  • Strong developer community and always evolving.
  • SEO friendly right out of the box.
  • A plugin for almost any task is available.

We take a fresh approach to designing a professional WordPress theme that will exceed your expectations. Our proven process combines a fine mix of creativity and client that ultimately leads to a beautiful and functional product. Further, all of our WordPress theme designs are built on the Genesis framework, which give you a solid foundation for reliability and flexibility.

Although WordPress ranks well right out of the box, combined with our Search Engine Optimization (SEO) expertise we apply our knowledge and supply solutions that results in increased traffic and sales. In addition, there is a huge selection of free and premium plugins for WordPress that can just about fit any need and if we cannot find the right one for you, we will develop one for you.

As with any software solution we offer, we provide WordPress training to our clients who wish to update and maintain their own sites. We pride ourselves on empowering the customer to take a proactive approach in maintaining their online presence.

Organizations around the world that use WordPress as part of their digital portfolio include:

LA Times
Forbes Blogs
The Wall Street Journal
Network Solutions
Carnival Cruise Lines

WordPress Showcase